Haii!! I'm Ashley, a game designer trying her best to give people cool experiences
I love making stuff, whether it be games, videos, art or whatever else captured my attention. Such as coding
her website by hand simply because its fun to learn how
If you're looking for any updates on what I'm up to, try checking my bluesky
Scroll around to see some of the games I've made
Released Games
Not Quite Right
Created for the 2024 OTU GDSA Game Jam
Theme: Not Quite Right
A puzzle platformer where you play as a snail with a limited moveset.
Stick to surfaces and solve puzzles, all while only moving left!
When the theme was announced to be "Not Quite Right" my mind instantly jumped to
a character who can only move left. This then led me to think of interesting ways in which you could
move right... Which led to being a
snail that can stick to surfaces. Limitations encourage out of the box thinking from the player but also
me as the developer. Being able
to make good puzzles is hard enough on it's own but doing it with a small moveset is incredibly
difficult. I don't think this game nailed it in that department but it proved to me that the idea had
merit and others seemed to agree.
Umbrella Cat
Find a new home during a harsh rainstorm. Discover a trusty umbrella and use it to defeat enemies
and platform to a new home!
I went into this game with the specific goal of making a good tutorial.
I've come to learn that the best tutorials are invisible to the player. One's where the player can learn
what to do without any words or explanations. In the background you can see two signs showing you the
controls and how to effectively use them. The player can then piece it together without me having to say
"Left Click To Use Umbrella". This is followed by a small jump the player has to make and some boxes you
can't get around. The boxes force the player to learn that their umbrella can also be used as a weapon.
I was so happy watching players pick up the game and immediately understand it. Most people even if they
didn't understand immediately would continue experimenting until they got it. My biggest regret with
this game was not adding controller support. Several people found the controls too difficult even if
they understood how they worked. My dad disliked the game because he found it hard to keep track of the
mouse position and the player simultaneously.
Created for the 2024 Global Game Jam
Theme: Make Me Laugh
What if filing paperwork was... Fun?
Answer questions, fill out surveys, sign away your soul and draw pictures all while the
paperwork becomes more and more absurd!
This game was really fun to make. Coming up with dumb prompts and pages was such a blast although I
think some of my sleep deprived ramblings somehow made it in. The feeling you get watching someone play
something you made and actually laugh is unmatched. The code and gameplay was basically done on day one
but it was put together so bad that creating a single page unique page took forever and is what a lot of
the time went to. I def realized I needed to brush up on my code organization and project structuring
after this one!
Created for the 2023 OTU GDSA Game Jam
Theme: Sacrifice
Catch birds, sacrafice them, and use their sacrafices to become more powerful.
Be weary of the spirits that come out and attack
I'm very critical of this game compared to all my others. The gameplay really is nothing special but
thats okay. I learned so much making this game, random generation, top down movement, enemy AI, and
navmeshes. Even when the game you come out with isn't great there's still great takeaways. It can be
hard to look at your game objectively when you poured a lot of effort into it. But taking a step back,
realizing it's flaws, and learning from your mistakes is how you improve.
Roady Car
Created for the 2023 GMTK Game Jam
Theme: Not Quite Right
Drive a kids pullback car toy and try to avoid crashing, causing serious damage to you or others!
It's easy!
Dodge obstacles, collect coins, and unlock unique cars!
Roady Car holds a special place in my heart. Without it I almost certainly would
not have gone into game design. While I had experimented with making games in the past and had really
enjoyed it, it was the 2023 GMTK Game Jam that really changed what I wanted to do with my life. It was a
long, stressful, sleep deprived weekend but I came out of it thinking it was some of the most fun I had
ever had. I learned so much about how you actually make a game, information I almost certainly wouldn't
have learned otherwise. Game jams are the best ways to not only prove yourself as a game designer, but
learn a ton you wouldn't have otherwise. Then at the end of it you have a product you have something you
can show people or you have something you could continue to work on.
Bobble Vs. The Game
Protect the world by fighting enemies, buying upgrades, and completing the song! Play as your
favourite members of Bobble Inc. and prevent world destruction while pumpin some banging tunes!
This was my first real attempt at making a game. When we were younger we had a channel where we'd dump
all of our creative projects. This game was never actually finished, it was originally created sometime
in 2022. I then got 90% of the way done and never finished it. In 2023 I decided to just put it on my
itch even though it wasn't finished. It was a ton of fun to make and I didn't want all that progress to
go to waste.